Good evening, we are from



Program for the employment of veterans,
IDP participants
, and citizens affected by
russia's war against Ukraine and ukrainian

To participate in the program:

We have created and continue to develop a global network of offline/online support centers for ukrainians , who have suffered due to the war unleashed by russia against Ukraine and its people. Additionally, we have support centers for veterans and citizens who were forced to leave their permanent places of residence.


We provide:

  • intensive training for veterans/refugees/displaced persons in IT specialties
  • personal support for each individual until employment
  • return to a full life in their cities and villages in Ukraine

Have you been affected by the war in Ukraine? Register to participate in our program:



Mandatory condition forparticipation in the profram - return to their cities and , villages in Ukraine after Our Victorry
over the russian invaders!
We have done, are doing,and will do everything possible for
every ukrainian to have the opportunity to returnto a dignified life in theirHomeland!

The goal is to attract as many resources as possible to Ukraine, not to withdraw from it. The economy will restart, creating new jobs for ukrainians, especially those most affected by russia's war against Ukraine. All this will work towards the defense and rapid development of Ukraine, personal well-being for every ukrainian and their family.


Become our partner

Are you an individual, organization, or foundation that wants to help, a public figure, politician, civil servant, IT professional, representative of an IT company, IT association, or educational institution?

Do you have expertise in this area or just a strong desire to help?

We call on everyone, wherever you are! Everyone who cares about the fate of Ukraine and ukrainians to join as partners in implementing the program in Ukraine and abroad!

We attract financial, material resources, and expertise from countries, funds, businesses, individuals abroad to Ukraine - for both direct and indirect support of the program, and thus support for the Ukrainian army and people.

We need a reliable partner

In IT with experience and want to join our team as a teacher or mentor?

Our Partners

YEPS logo
QR code

If you want to financially support the program and to help Ukraine, please visit the the page of the all-Ukrainian youth "Public organization youth employment center"



Dreaming of guaranteed job in IT:

QA specialist
WEB Designer
Project Manager

This is your chance to change your life!
IT professionals always have a job!



For those who feel the talent of a developer for original, interesting, and full-fledged projects and want to earn honestly with their intellect!



The work of a QA is similar to the work of an investigator or detective: Various deductive methods and techniques are used. You are an experimenter - this is for you.

WEB Design


For creative individuals who have critical thinking, want not only draw beautiful pictures but also make them part of an attractive dynamic website!

Project Management


The position of a PM attracts opportunity to engage in management: make decisions, organize the fast and high-quality creation of a product, and ensure productive work in team.